
Estefanía Aranda Yus

Three-dimensional Comparison of Two Types of Indirect Digitization with Inverse Engineering Technique
Citation: Yus EA, Cantarell JMA, Alonso AM, Calzado RJ, et al. Three-dimensional Comparison of Two Types of Indirect Digitization with Inverse Engineering Technique. J Dents Dent Med. 2020 May;3(5):164.
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Antonione Santos Bezerra Pinto

Bibliometric Study on Treatments for the Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Associated with Bisphosphonates
Citation: de Caldas PSG, da Silva Firmino B, de Freitas Silva IS, de Almeida WC, Leão Ferraz MA, et al. Bibliometric Study on Treatments for the Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Associated with Bisphosphonates. J Dents Dent Med. 2020 May;3(5):161.
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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José Francisco Murrieta Pruneda

Gingival Hyperplasia, Dental Fractures and Malocclusion and Its Relationship with Epilepsy as a Risk Factor
Citation: Pruneda JFM, Trejo SVR, Pérez BC, de Anaya MPA, Joya TC. Gingival Hyperplasia, Dental Fractures and Malocclusion and Its Relationship with Epilepsy as a Risk Factor. J Dents Dent Med. 2020 May;3(5):159.
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Mehdi Khamaily

Treatment of the Refractory Glaucoma by the Micropulse Transcleral Diode Laser Cyclophotocoagulation: Experience of the Military Teaching Hospital, Rabat
Citation: Khamaily M, Tarib I, Mouzari Y, Brahim Salem J, Abdellaoui T, et al. Treatment of the Refractory Glaucoma by the Micropulse Transcleral Diode Laser Cyclophotocoagulation: Experience of the Military Teaching Hospital, Rabat. Eye Glaucoma Res. 2020 May;1(1):105.
Eye and Glaucoma Research( 2732-4818 )

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Gang Wei

Prediction of the Epidemic of COVID-19 Based on Quarantined Surveillance in China
Citation: Li R, Lu W, Yang X, Feng P, Muqimova O, et al. Prediction of the Epidemic of COVID-19 Based on Quarantined Surveillance in China. J Emerg Rare Dis. 2020 May;3 (2):122.
Journal of Emerging and Rare Diseases( 2517-7397 )

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Günter Bärwolff

Some Aspects of the Mathematical Modeling of a Pandemic
Citation: Bärwolf G. Some Aspects of the Mathematical Modeling of a Pandemic. J Emerg Rare Dis. 2020 Apr;3(1):119.
Journal of Emerging and Rare Diseases( 2517-7397 )

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Dione Samuel Silveira

Benign Migratory Glossitis: A Case Report
Citation: Silveira DS, Farias RQ, Simões SO, Filho DB, Tonelli SQ. Surgical Benign Migratory Glossitis: A Case Report. J Dents Dent Med. 2020 May;3(6):168.
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Stanley Xu

Estimating the Growth Rate and Doubling Time for Short-Term Prediction and Monitoring Trend During the COVID-19 Pandemic with a SAS Macro
Citation: Xu S, Clarke C, Shetterly S, Narwaney K. Estimating the Growth Rate and Doubling Time for Short-Term Prediction and Monitoring Trend During the COVID-19 Pandemic with a SAS Macro. J Emerg Rare Dis. 2020 May;3(1):121.
Journal of Emerging and Rare Diseases( 2517-7397 )

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Ezihe Christian Okechukwu

Effect of Cassava Peel Meal on Performance and Hen-housed Lay of Pullets
Citation: Ezihe CO, Uchendu CI. Effect of Cassava Peel Meal on Performance and Henhoused Lay of Pullets. Int J Vet Anim Med. 2020 May;3(2):129.
International Journal of Veterinary and Animal Medicine( 2517-7362 )

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Aina Monferrer-Palmer

Individual Factors and Academic Success in an EFL Classroom: A Case Study of a Group of 2nd of ESO Learners From a State Public High School in a Valencian Middle-size City
Citation: Monferrer-Palmer A. Individual Factors and Academic Success in an EFL Classroom: A Case Study of a Group of 2nd of ESO Learners From a State Public High School in a Valencian Middle-size City. J Multiling Res. 2020 May;1 (1):102.
Journal of Multilingual Research

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Richard Lieu

A Covid-19 Case Mortality Rate Without Time Delay Systematics
Citation: Lieu R, Bi-Zhu Jiang A, Quenby S. A Covid-19 Case Mortality Rate Without Time Delay Systematics. J Emerg Rare Dis. 2020 Apr;3(1):118
Journal of Emerging and Rare Diseases( 2517-7397 )

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Maman Sani CHAIBOU

Practice of Obstetric Anesthesia for Ceasarean in Developing Countries: A Prospective Study about 268 Cases
Citation: Chaibou MS, Daddy H, Gagara M, Nanzir Sanoussi M, Sanoussi H, et al. Practice of Obstetric Anesthesia for Ceasarean in Developing Countries: A Prospective Study About 268 Cases. J Anesth Perioper Care. 2020 Apr;1(1):105.
Journal of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care( 2732-4796 )

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Pokkuluri Kiran Sree

Deep Learning Augmented with Hybrid Non-linear Cellular Automata Platform for Addressing Open Problems in Bioinformatics
Citation: Sree PK, Usha DN. Deep Learning Augmented with Hybrid Non-linear Cellular Automata Platform for Addressing Open Problems in Bioinformatics. Biomed Res Rev. 2020 Apr;3(3):126.
Biomedical Research and Reviews( 2631-3944 )

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Dipankar Bandyopadhyay

Gene-Based Association Mapping for Dental Caries in The GENEVA Consortium
Citation: Wang Y, Bandyopadhyay D, Shaffer JR, Wu X. Gene-Based Association Mapping for Dental Caries in The GENEVA Consortium. J Dents Dent Med. 2020 Apr;3(4):156.
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Taira Kobayashi

Multiplex PCR for Simultaneous Detection and Identification of Six Slackia Species Including Slackia Exigua Involved In Peri-Implantitis
Citation: Kobayashi T, Uchibori S, Tsuzukibashi O, Uezato C, Fuchigami M, et al. Multiplex PCR for Simultaneous Detection and Identification of Six Slackia Species Including Slackia exigua Involved In Peri-Implantitis. J Dents Dent Med. 2020 Apr; 3(3): 154.
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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