
Md Razib Hosen

Effective Technique of Tannery Effluent Purification
Citation: Razib Hosen Md. Effective technique of tannery effluent purification. Chem Sci Biomol Eng. 2019 Sep;1(1):102
Chemical Science and Biomolecular Engineering

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Nelson Hendler

Missed Diagnoses Associated with Rear-End Collisions
Citation: Nelson N, Gallagher W, Laynee L. Missed Diagnoses Associated with Rear-End Collisions. Clin Ex Orth. 2019 Nov;1(1):101
Clinical and Experimental Orthopedics

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Danuta Smolka-Danielowska

The Preliminary Studies of the Phase and Chemical Composition of Ashes Formed in the Co-combustion of Hard Coal and Wood Biomass in an Individual Domestic Furnace (Poland)
Citation: Smolka-Danielowska D. The Preliminary Studies of the Phase and Chemical Composition of Ashes Formed in the Cocombustion of Hard Coal and Wood Biomass in an Individual Domestic Furnace (Poland). Pollut Prev Control. 2019 Oct;1(1): 102.
Pollution Prevention and Control

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Gajendra Sharma

Examination and Evaluation of ‘Agile Methodologies’ for Systems Development
Citation: Sharma G, Gautam G. Examination and evaluation of ‘agile methodologies’ for systems development. Adv Comput Sci. 2019 Sep;2(1):118.
Advances in Computer Sciences( 2517-5718 )

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Chutamat Niwat

Optimization of Extraction Time and Temperature for Java Tea (Orthosiphon aristatus BI. Miq) based Functional Drink Production
Citation: © 2019 Michael J, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Food and Nutrition Open Access( 2517-5726 )

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Sara Al-Dahir

Are Providers PrEPed? A Retrospective Cohort Study Analyzing Retention in Care among Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Patients
Citation: El-Desoky RH, Al-Dahir S, Butler I, Sarpong D, Nawas GT, et al. Are providers PrEPed? a retrospective cohort study analyzing retention in care among pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) patient. Clin HIV AIDS J. 2019 Sep;2(2):111
Clinical HIV and AIDS Journal( 2633-5476 )

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Van der Zel JM

High-Strength Porcelain Veneering of Zirconia Prosthetic Mimetic Restorations (PRIMERO) by Cognitive Design and Manufacturing
Citation: Van der Zel JM. High-Strength Porcelain Veneering of Zirconia Prosthetic Mimetic Restorations (PRIMERO) by Cognitive Design and Manufacturing. J Dents Dent Med. 2019 Sep;2(3):137
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Yasir Al-Khalili

Isolated Ictal Aphasia
Citation: Al-Khalil Y, Potigailo V. Isolated Ictal Aphasia. J Neurosci Neurosurg. 2019 Sep;2(3): 136
Journal of Neuroscience and Neurosurgery( 2517-7400 )

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Rawaa Y Al-Rawee

Efficacy of Securing Three Sided Mucoperiosteal Flaps Devoid of Palatal Papillae Involvement (Original Clinical Study)
Citation: Al-Rawee RY, Tawfeeq BAG. Efficacy of securing three sided mucoperiosteal flaps devoid of palatal papillae involvement (original clinical study). J Dents Dent Med. 2019 Sep;2(3):138
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Paula Sanchez Thevenet

Insights on the Presence and Economic Impact of Water Related Trematodes in Natural Environments from Patagonia, Southern Argentina
Citation: Sanero E, Hechem V, Saunders D, Boquet M, Assef Y, et al. Insights on the Presence and Economic Impact of Water Related Trematodes in Natural Environments from Patagonia, Southern Argentina. J Water Technol Treat Methods. 2018 Aug;1(4):119
Journal of Water Technology and Treatment Methods( 2517-7427 )

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Noor A. Sulaiman FIBMS (MF)

Incidence of Single and Multiple Facial Spaces (Primary and Secondary) Involvement in Orofacial Infection of Odontogenic Origin
Citation: Sulaiman NA. Incidence of Single and Multiple Facial Spaces (Primary and Secondary) Involvement in Orofacial Infection of Odontogenic Origin. J Dents Dent Med. 2019 Jul;2(3):135
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Noor A. Sulaiman

Is Odondogenic Infection Still the Most Common Cause of Orofacial Bacterial Infections ?
Citation: Sulaiman NA, Issa SA. Is Odondogenic Infection Still the Most Common Cause of Orofacial Bacterial Infections. J Dents Dent Med. 2019 Jul;2(2):134
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Yuri Babich

New Phenomenon in Living Matter?: Clusterization and Synchronization of Electrodynamic Landscape
Citation: Babich Y, Nuzdhina M. New Phenomenon in Living Matter: Clusterization & Synchronization of Electrodynamic Landscape. J Cancer Res Oncobiol. 2019 May;2(2):123
Journal of Cancer Research and Oncobiology( 2517-7370 )

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Eric Watters

The Applicability of Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices Inventory in Measuring the Use of Transformational Leadership Practices in Law Enforcement: A Review of the Literature
Citation: Watters E. The Applicability of Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices Inventory in Measuring the Use of Transformational Leadership Practices in Law Enforcement: A Review of the Literature. Forensic Sci Crime Res. 2019;1(1)
Forensic Science and Crime Research

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Teshome Yehualaeshet

Bacterial Microbiome of Nasal Swabs from Healthy Dogs and their Owners: Bacterial Diversity, Intra- and Interspecies Interface
Citation: Yehualaeshet T, Edmonds-Wiggins G, Jones C, Graham M, Dillard K, et al. Bacterial microbiome of nasal swabs from healthy dogs and their owners: bacterial diversity, intraand interspecies interface. Int J Vet Anim Med. 2019 Jul;2(2):120
International Journal of Veterinary and Animal Medicine( 2517-7362 )

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