
Paolo Bellavite

Neurological Adverse Events Emerging in Covid-19 Vaccine Trial. Is Autoimmunity Involved?
Citation: Bellavite P. Neurological Adverse Events Emerging in Covid-19 Vaccine Trial. Is Autoimmunity Involved? Curr Trends Vaccine Vaccinol. 2020 Dec;3(1):113
Current Trends in Vaccines and Vaccinology( 2631-8970 )

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Eduardo Jorge da Fonseca Lima

Do Preterm Infants Present More Vaccine Adverse Events Than Full-Term Infants? A Cross-Sectional Study
Citation: Rodrigues Costa ME, Abrantes Santos MEB, Costa Guedes VF, Dubourcq BC, da Fonseca Lima EJ. Curr Trends Vaccine Vaccinol. 2020 Nov;3(1):110.
Current Trends in Vaccines and Vaccinology( 2631-8970 )

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Abdulrahman Al Abdullateef

The Role and Potential Limitations of Contemporary Imaging Technologies to Aid Diagnosis and Management of Endodontics Cases
Citation: Al Telmesani A, Al Abdullateef A. The Role and Potential Limitations of Contemporary Imaging Technologies to Aid Diagnosis and Management of Endodontics Cases. J Dents Dent Med. 2020 September;3(7):172.
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Hana Bougatef

An Innovative Sequence for Endodontic Treatment: Endostar E3 Azure®
Citation: Zouiten S, Bougatef H, Khanfir F, Tlili M, El Khalfi M, et al. An Innovative Sequence for Endodontic Treatment: Endostar E3 Azure®. J Dents Dent Med. 2020 July;3(7):170.
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Bahar Ashjaei

A Rare Case of Pediatric Cloacogenic Polyp
Citation: Safavi M, Bahar A, Merisa MJ. A Rare Case of Pediatric Cloacogenic Polyp. Int J Surg Proced. 2020 Jun;3(2):137.
International Journal of Surgical Procedures( 2517-7354 )

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Tatiana Hillman

Decelerating HIV-1 Viral Escape by Inhibiting Entry into CD4 T Cells
Citation: Hillman T. Decelerating HIV-1 Viral Escape by Inhibiting Entry into CD4 T Cells. Biomed Res Rev. 2020 May;3(3):128.
Biomedical Research and Reviews( 2631-3944 )

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Mostafa Derraz

Remotely Diagnose Coronavirus by Recognizing and Counting of Coughs During Phone Calls
Citation: Derraz M. Remotely Diagnose Coronavirus by Recognizing and Counting of Coughs During Phone Calls. Biomed Res Rev. 2020 Mar;3(3):125.
Biomedical Research and Reviews( 2631-3944 )

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Tommaso Fabrizio

Electrochemotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer
Citation: Fabrizio T. Electrochemotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer. Int J Surg Proced. 2020 Jan;3(1):128
International Journal of Surgical Procedures( 2517-7354 )

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Amrita Dosanjh

Regulatory Considerations in the Development of Medical Devices for Rare Diseases
Citation: Dosanjh A. Regulator considerations in the development of medical devices for rare diseases. J Emerg Rare Dis. 2019 Apr;2(2):116
Journal of Emerging and Rare Diseases( 2517-7397 )

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R Trevor Wilson

Directors of Veterinary Services in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: V R Smith, 1902 (Principal Veterinary Officer)
Citation: Wilson RT. Directors of Veterinary Services in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: V R Smith, 1902 (Principal Veterinary Officer). Int J Vet Anim Med. 2019 Apr;2(1):116
International Journal of Veterinary and Animal Medicine( 2517-7362 )

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Carlos Alberto Monson

Health Education for Psoriasis
Citation: Monson CA, Monson ACS, Justo E, Cavaleti V, Petri V, et al. Health education for psoriasis. Clin dermatol dermatitis. 2019 Jan;2(1):109
Clinical Dermatology and Dermatitis( 2631-6714 )

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Petrova G

The Heart and Cystic Fibrosis-It Is Not Only Cor Pulmonale
Citation: Naidenov S, Dasheva-Dimitorva A, Velkovski I, Perenovska P, Petrova G. The heart and cystic fibrois-it is not only Cor Pulmonale. J Emerg Rare Dis. 2018 Dec;2(1):112
Journal of Emerging and Rare Diseases( 2517-7397 )

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Sandra F Martins

Impact of Sarcopenia in the Prognostic of Ressectable Esophageal Cancer
Citation: Pinheiro S, Carneiro T, Luís D, Gomes A, Costa AC, et al. Impact of Sarcopenia in the Prognostic of Ressectable Esophageal Cancer. A Systematic Review. J Cancer Res Oncobiol. 2018 Nov;1(4):115
Journal of Cancer Research and Oncobiology( 2517-7370 )

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Xavier Riaud, Laureate

The First Time in…
Citation: Riaud X. The First Time in… J Dents Dent Med. 2018 Oct;1(5):121
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Dr. Sehgal VN

Psychosomatic Undertones and Pattern Hair Loss
Citation: Sehgal VN. Psychosomatic Undertones and Pattern Hair Loss. Clin dermatiol dermatitis. 2018 Oct;1(2):107
Clinical Dermatology and Dermatitis( 2631-6714 )

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