

Tannery Wastewater Evaluation and Remediation: Adsorption of Trivalent Chromium Using Commercial and Regenerated Adsorbents

AU Itodo1*, ME Khan1, DP Feka2, B Ogoh1

1 Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria
2 Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology, Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria

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AU Itodo, ME Khan, DP Feka, B Ogoh. Tannery Wastewater Evaluation and Remediation: Adsorption of Trivalent Chromium Using Commercial and Regenerated Adsorbents. J Water Technol Treat Methods. 2018 Jan;1(1):104

© 2018 Itodo AU, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The objective of this research is focus on pollutants evaluation and remediation of Tannery effluent discharged from Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) Zaria, Nigeria using activated Carbons as adsorbents. The received, spent and Reborn Adsorbents (RGAC) were characterized using both classical (bulk density, ash content and iodine number) and instrumental (AAS, SEM, FTIR and UV-Vis Spectrophotometer) techniques. The role of different operating parameters on Cr uptake was investigated from a batch adsorption mode. Data generated where fitted into four isotherm models viz; Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich. The earlier estimated chromium level in the tannery effluent which was above WHO and NESREA permissible limits was considerably reduced via adsorption. On the general, results show good significance in the adsorption behavior of the regenerated adsorbent compared to the commercial sample. 


Wastewater; Pollutants; Remediation; Adsorption; Tannery Effluent; Isotherms;


Industries have been fingered as the major institutions since the last four decades, responsible for diverse environmental and human catastrophes; hence they are a major contributor to environmental degradation and pollution. Environmental pollution due to appreciating industrial activities is unquestionably some of the most important problems of this century (Ladwani et al., 2012).
Tannery wastewater is highly polluted in terms of the content of its Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Suspended Solids (SS), nitrogen, conductivity, sulphate, sulphide and chromium (Mondal et al., 2005) and in most developing countries tannery effluents are discharged directly into sewers or water bodies without treatment [1,2]. High BOD content of an effluent affects the survival of gill breathing animals of the receiving water body and high COD value indicate toxic State of the wastewater, including the presence of biologically resistant organic substances. High level of ammonia (NH3 ) is toxic to aquatic organisms and excess nitrogen will cause eutrophic condition. The high salinity and Total Dissolved Solids of effluents may result in physiologically stressful conditions affecting some species of aquatic organisms due to alterations in osmotic conditions. Changes in the ionic composition of water can also eliminate some species while promoting population growth of others [3]. Chrome Tan liquor is greenish in color and highly toxic and acidic with pH 3.1 to 6.0.The waste contains a high concentration of trivalent chromium ranging from 100 to 5500 mg/L. Haxavalent chromium is not generally present in the waste chrome liquor because of the reducing agent used and one bath process utilized [4]. 
The manufacture of leather has evolved into a significant source of livelihood in many industrialized and developing countries, [5] reported an estimated production capacity of 1.8 billion metric tons of leather yearly, with a larger part of the product processed in Africa and Asia, factored by the high labour intensity involved the manufacture of leather. Procedures employed by most developing countries in leather tanning is still at the traditional level and are not technologically compactable or designed for use with chemical and water. As estimated, the total wastewater discharge from tanneries runs to about 400 million m3 each year. The industry has been painted negatively in the society owing to its high pollutant composition, health and environmental implication is a negative to the sitting of the leather industry. The difficulty in treating tannery effluent owes it to the complex nature of the wastewater produced, leading to various environmental regulations and laws in many developing countries being passed especially in the last ten years.
Adsorption is a phenomenon that occurs on the surface or pores of a solid (sorbent), it is characterized by the available surface area and is a function of the partial pressure (or concentration in aqueous solutions) of a chemical species (solute) [6]. Adsorption occurs if the attractive force between the solute and Adsorbent is greater than the cohesive energy of the substance itself. Adsorption isotherms are important for the description of how adsorbates will interact with an Adsorbent and are critical in optimizing their use [7]. Correlation of equilibrium data using a theoretical or empirical equation is useful for adsorption data interpretation and prediction. Several mathematical models are applicable in describing experimental data of adsorption isotherms. Langmuir adsorption isotherm, originally developed to describe gas–solid-phase adsorption onto activated carbon, has traditionally been used to quantify and contrast the performance of different biosorbents. In its formulation, this empirical model assumes monolayer adsorption (the adsorbed layer is one molecule in thickness), with adsorption can only occur at a finite (fixed) number of definite localized sites, that are identical and equivalent In its derivation, Langmuir isotherm refers to homogeneous adsorption and can be represent as Equation.
Where KL (L/mg) and qm are Langmuir isotherm constants [8]. Freundlich isotherm is the earliest known relationship describing the non-ideal and reversible adsorption, not restricted to the formation of monolayer. This empirical model can be applied to multilayer adsorption, with non-uniform distribution of adsorption heat and affinities over the heterogeneous surface. This model has been expressed either as a non-linear (Eq. 2) or linear (Eqn. 3) form of the model:
KF and F n are Freundlich constants obtained from the intercept and slope of the linear plot of log qe vs log Ce . They are empirical constants which are indicators of sorption capacity and adsorption intensity, respectively [8,9]. The Temkin isotherm assumes that the heat of adsorption of all the molecules increases linearly with coverage. The linear form of this isotherm can be given by:
R is universal gas constant (8.314J/molK), T is absolute temperature (K) and  bT is Tempkin isotherm constant. The slopes and intercept are obtained from the graphical plot against ln [10,11]. The linear form of the Dubinin- Radushkevich isotherm can be expressed as:
Where qD is the theoretical saturation capacity (mg g-1 ), B is a constant related to mean free energy of adsorption per mole of the adsorbate (mol2 /J 2 ) and ε is the polanyi potential which is related to equilibrium is given by:
Where, R is the Universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol/K) and T is the temperature in Kelvin. E the mean sorption energy is calculated using the following relation in Equation. 7:
Based on this energy of activation one can predict whether an adsorption is physisorption or chemisorptions. It is general applied to express the adsorption process occurring onto both homogeneous and heterogeneous surfaces, the plot of ln (qe ) vs ɛ2 is used to test the suitability of the data to this model [12].
                      BET isotherm is a theoretical equation, most widely applied in the gas–solid equilibrium systems. This is a more general, multi-layer model. It assumes that a Langmuir isotherm applies to each layer and that no transmigration occurs between layers. It also assumes that there is equal energy of adsorption for each layer except for the first layer. Its extinction model related to liquid–solid interface is exhibited as Equation. 8:
Where CBET, Cs , qs , and qe are the BET adsorption isotherm (mg /L), adsorbate monolayer saturation concentration (mg/L), the theoretical isotherm saturation capacity (mg/g) and equilibrium adsorption capacity (mg/g), respectively. As CBET and CBET (Ce /Cs ) are much greater than 1, the equation is simplified as Equation. 9 [13,14]
Among several Authors, [15] worked on Removal of Chromium from Tannery Effluent Using Bio-adsorbents. On a similar quest, [16] investigated the adsorptive removal of chromium ions from tan liquor using. The Neem Sawdust (NS) gave removal efficiency of 84% at contact time of 120 minute [16]. We now consider a reclamation approach by regenerating spent commercially available activated carbon for a possible reuse in Cr uptake from the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) Zaria, Nigeria. This present work also investigated pollution load of chrome tan- wastewater and arrayed five isotherm models for interpretation of the sorption phenomenon [17]. 

Materials and Methods

Reagents used were of analytical grade and prepared in line with standard methods as described in the Manual for Standard Analytical Procedures (1999) except otherwise Stated. The FTIR spectrum was recorded on a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (Agilent technologies Cary 630), scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of virgin, effluent loaded and Chemically regenerated activated carbon at selected magnifications was observed using SEM (Phenomenon Prix, MVE016477830). UV-Visible (Agilent 8453E) Spectrophotometer was used to study the absorbance of both treated and untreated effluent. The procedure was carried out at a pre-determined wavelength (λ max) of 353nm. Atomic adsorption Spectrophotometer (Varian AA240FS) was used to estimate the concentrations of Cr present.
Study Area
The study area, Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) is an Institution of higher learning located in Samaru-Zaria. Coordinates are, Latitude 11.16670 , Longitude 7.63330 . It is situated in an area dominated by Schools and research Institutes, Majority of the dwellers are civil servants and farmers
Sampling was carried out in accordance with methods described by Kawser et al. as shown in (figure 1) [18]. Effluent samples by lowering a pre-cleaned 4L glass bottle (previously washed with 0.1M HNO3 before rinsed with distilled water) into different depths of the effluent, allowed to overflow, withdrawn, sealed and stored at 4° C till required for further analysis. Temperature, total dissolved solids, pH and conductivity were determined in situ. Effluent sample to be used for Cr analysis was treated with concentrated HNO3 in order to lower the pH of the sample to less than 2 before refrigeration. Method and duration of the preservation adopted was described by APHA
Characterization of tannery effluent
The sampled effluent was analyzed for their physicochemical parameters as well as active functional groups and UV-profile following procedures outlined in the standard method for the examination of water and wastewater [19,20,21]. These parameters include Temperature, Electrical conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, pH, Turbity, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Chlorides and Sulphides. Two techniques viz; classical (bulk density, ash content and iodine number) and instrumental (AAS, SEM, FTIR and Uv-vis Spectrophotometer) were used. Results were reported as mean values of triplicate analysis.
Batch Adsorption Experiments
Batch experiments were conducted at room temperature (25±2°C) following the approach reported [22] with a slight modification. 200 mL of adsorbate solution of different concentrations was collected in the 250 mL conical flask, and 1g of each adsorbent was separately added and maintained at the optimized pH 6 and contact time for equilibration. The solution was stirred in mechanical shaker at 120 rpm at room temperature. . After that the solution was filtered and the concentration of the filtered solution was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Varian AA240FS). The effect of various parameters on the rate of adsorption process was observed by varying contact time, Adsorbent concentration, temperature, and pH of the solution. The solution volume was kept constant.
Chemical regeneration of activated carbon
Regeneration of exhausted activated carbon was carried out in the laboratory using method adopted from Abbas and Waleed, (2008). The exhausted activated carbon (50 g) was weighed by electric balance (Mettler AE200) and mixed with 600 mL 20% ethanol in a 1 L pyrex beaker. The mixture was agitated using a magnetic stirrer (IKA Hitachi RT5) at 200 rpm for 4 h at 25±2o C. The washing liquid was replaced three times during this process, then with 0.1 M NaOH and rinsed with distilled water. The pH of the activated carbon solution was adjusted to pH 7 using 0.1 M HCl. Washed adsorbent was dried in the oven (Gallenkamp BS 0V-160) at 200° C for 3 h and stored as Regenerated Granular Activated Carbon (RGAC).
A batch adsorption experiment similar to the one earlier described was carried out using the regenerated granular activated carbon. The efficiency of the regenerant is judged on the adsorption quantity of activated carbon using equation 10:
Where q0 and qr are quantity of Cr (adsorbate) adsorbed per unit weight of commercial activated carbon and quantity of Cr adsorbed per unit weight of regenerated activated carbon, respectively (Martine and Ng, 1984).