Representation is dealing with the existence information
promoted by all indoor advertisements that represent social reality,
meaning all information are really existing. Take for example
information about activities of the economy and business actors that
can be witnessed by consumers of the society in Dili. The information
about various foods and drinks provided in restaurants, services in
beauty parlors, information about flight schedules information about
courses, guides of public disciplines and the like are easily found and
Relation here deals with facts that all advertisements use four
languages: Tetun, Portuguese, English, and Indonesian. All texts give
information about all things to develop togetherness. That is the
reason why texts advertised stimulate the interpersonal relations.
Consider the following examples.
• Atu hetan1 informasaun2 liutan1
, telephone2 ba1
… (untuk
mendapat informasi hubungi melalui telepon .../to get the
information please contact ...).
• Atu halo1 pergumta2 sira kona ba fa’an barak nian1 telefon2 (untuk
membuat pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang penjualan banyak,
telepon ke .../to ask questions about many sales, please contact ...).
• Atu halo1 pergunta2 sira kona ba fa’an naral nian1
, telefon2 :(untuk
membuat pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentangpenjualan .. kirimnama
.. telepon/To ask questions about sales ... send names ... telephone).
• Haruku1
e mail …. (kirime mail/send E-mail).
• Atu halo1 rezevasaun favor kontaktu2 ita nia1 agensia2 ne’ e be’
besik liu ou liga ba1 Air Timor3
(untuk melakukan reservasi tolong
kontak agen kami ini/To do reservation, please contact our agent).
• Mai1 Banku2
Mandiri -Ba ita boot nia1
, Atendementu bankria2
(datangilah Bank Mandiri untuk pelayanan Anda/Come to
Mandiri Bank to be served).
• Kontrabankria (giro, deposito)– Transferensia - Garantias bankrias2
In terms of identity, it must be worth noting that all advertisement
texts show their identity of structure of language use, not structure
of language awareness. The identity of Tetun people for nstance, is
demonstrated by the mainstream of Tetun as National language.
Discursive Practice
This section presents description of text production process,
text distribution, text consumers and intelectuality analysis to be
presented next.
Text Production Process
Advertisement texts are produced by restaurant, cafetaria,
beauty parlor owners, celluler and internet service owners, English
course owners, Mandiri banks, and discipline guide of Government.
Meanwhile, the advertisements orders are business actors as well
as financial capital owners who successfully negotiated with all
business actors in TL. Most of the business actors are not TL people
by origin, except those who do technical things for the advertisement
texts. Most of the owners of restaurants and cafetarias in Timor Plaza
-the only biggest mall in Dili for example, are Australian, Chinese,
Japanese, Korean people as well as Indonesian Chinese. That is the
resason why the advertisement designers translate the messages
of the financial capital owners for the advertisements called indoor
advertisements written first in Tetun, then in Portuguese, English,
and Indonesian. This is to agree with the policy of TL Government
that prioritises Tetun and Portuguese in mass media like radio and
television broadcast and News.
Text Distribution
Distribution process of advertisement texts is by using standing
banners, folders, leaflets, food menu lists, and announcement planks
which are displayed in rooms in accord with the names of the indoor
advertisements like restaurants, cafetarias, food stalls, transit rooms
in border areas that is in Motaain of Indonesia and Batugade of TL.
These places are the places the mostly visited by people of four
Text Consumers
The choice of the four languages are based on the following
1. First, advertisements in Tetun are easy for the local people as
consumer target of the products.
2. second, advertisements in Portuguese and English are for non
local people target or foreigners.
3. third, advertisements in Indonesian are mainly to explain the
consumen targets who find difficulties in the three other languages.
So to sum, the use of four languages in the indoor advertisement is
for the purpose of effectiveness of communicating advertisement
messages. The following rae the examples of the advertisements
designed based on considerations of text production, text
distribution, and text consumption.
• Horario Do Trabalho2 (jadual kerja/work schedule).
• Horas De Entrada2
(jam masuk/start)4
– 08.30 HTL.
• Saida2 Interfalo1
(jam istirahat/break)4
– 12.00 HTL.
• Retorno2 Intervalo1 (jam masuk/start)4
– 13.00 HTL.
• Atendemento Cliente2 (pelayanan clien/client service)4
– 13.00 –
• Pecho do Sistema2
(tutup system/close system)4
– 16.00.
• Saida2
(jam keluar/stop) – 17.00 HTL.
• Horario Atende mento do cliente as2 08.30 Ate 16.00.
(jam pelayanan4
cliente/client service hour) mulai dari jam4 (start
from) 08.30-16.00.
Intelectuality Analysis
Bakhtin in Fairclough [14] argues that all spoken and written
expressions or idioms contain spoken or written messages that have
been known by the listeners or readers, in this case, the consumers.
In indoor advertisements in particular at least there are three
types of intelectuality in the forms of: quotations, translations, and
parody. Intelectuality is not always purposely expressed but can be
unpurposely benefitted due to all terms in textshave meanings as
many as the users do [15,16].
• Restautante Dono2 Martabak goreng4
• Melayani partai dan eceran – jual electronik dijamin harga pasti
• Mie sedap4
cup (lezat4
)– lu1
• Mie sedap4
– go stu favorite2
Timor Nian Salmi super
– mie sedap favorit dari orang TLS4
– hanya di4
Social-Cultural Practice
Dili is a city out of 13 districts in TL. It is 170 km2 inhabited by
234.331 people (statistics of 2010) most of whom are living in urban
areas. Nowdays Dili as a capital city is well known as administrative
center, trade and business center, education center, and Catholic
religion center. The social and cultural appearance of an ethnic can
generally be searched firstly through language the ethnic use; and for
the TL ethnic is Tetun. The TL constitution chapter 12, article 1 says
that the National language is Tetun, the official (formal) language
is Portuguese, and the languages used in works are English and
Indonesian. The old generations of TL still use Portuguese actively,
and Chinese from Macau, Formosa (Uma Fukun) still use Mandarin.
The majority (93%) of TL population are Catholic, and the rest
are Protestant (3%), Muslim (1%), Hindus (0.5%), Buddha (1%),
and belief ideology (2%). There are three bishops for the Catholic:
Dili Bishop, Baucau Bishop, and Maliana Bishop. The religion system of the local people in TL is worship to Sun and Moon locally called
Maromak, as well as to wraith. The Tetun ethnic people (in TL or
in Belu and Malaka of Indonesia) relate their religion system with
Catholic monotheism by saying the name of God as Nai Maromak.
The social-cultural situation expressed in Tetun language cannot
be separated from Tetun people of West Timor, i.e. Belu and Malaka.
According to Noname (2016) Tetun people are always related to Tetun
language they are using. Then the social structure of Tetun people
is determined by at least two-patrilineal-clenns based compounds
(kampongs) of fukun or ethnics. The ethnics are grouped into two
levels, nobles called dassi ordato and common society (people) called
ahimatanorema; the nobles are honored as kings (now are heads of
villages) called Liurai. For the TL society, the status of Liurai is very
respectful until now.
Cultural Influence of Portugal
Culturally TL people are belonging to Portugal as a country and
the language of Portuguese people. Thus, the influence of Portuguese
culture has been so powerful. Take for example how TL people are
named. TL people, of the old and young generations, are named da
Silva, da Costa, Ribiero, Monteiro, da Feria, Pareira, Pascoal, and so
on. These names were first given only to those born from Indo – Porto
marriage called “Mestizo”. Similary, the cultural influence has also
made TL people to name their streets with the Portuguese names
likeAvenida de Portugal, Avenida Alves Aldela, Avenida Almirante
Americo Tomas, Rua Presidente Nicolau Lobato, Rua Formosa, Rua
Jacinto da Candido, Roa Cidade Viana and so on. Various types of
foods and drinks untill now are named using words of Portuguese
like (1) Carne Assada, (2) Selada, (3) Saboko (4) Caldeirada, (5) Roti
Paun, (6) Midar Sin; dan (6) Koto (sop kacang merah) (Leo Suarez).
In addition, TL people undersand and practice the culture handed
down from Portuguese ethnic like social structure, kinship system
or genetic relationship as well as religion system in their life. This is
phenomenal indicating the very close relationship between culture
(ways of thinking and philosophical values in Tetun language)
and their religion (Catholic). Based on this relationship, it can be
concluded that factors of language and religion have harmoniously
and synchronically developed the personality of the TL people since
youth. These two factors are presented next.
First, language factor, that is Tetun language. Tetun which is a
medium to express culture, is also spoken by both TL people and
people of West Timor due to geographically they are the same.They
speak the same language and they practice the same culture. Tetun
– Terik and Tetun – Parsa (may be dialects) for example are also
spoken by both, TL people in Suai district, Viqueque and Maliana and
by people of Malaka and Belu of Indonesia as their first language. The
same phenomenon, people of Oekusi speak Dawan language which is
the first language of people of “Timor Tengah Utara” (TTU) regency,
“Timor Tengah Selatan” (TTS) regency, and some of Kupang regency
in West Timor, Indonesia.
Second, religion factor that is Catholic religion. Since Portugal
colonized TL (East Timor) in 1502 Catholic religion was spread by
using Tetun language, where Gospel, prayer books and religious songs
as well as spoken prayers are in Tetun language. TL people perceived
that “Tetun is a language for baptizing people to be members of
Catholic Church, where TL people mention God as thier Nai Maromak.
This shows how important the role played by Catholic Chuch of TL
people for their independence” [17]. The following advertisements
show how great the influence of Tetun and Portuguese for the
consumers in Dili.
• IHA TUA1 K 42 SIRA NE’E EBE1 (ada sopi 42 antara lain/optional
choice is liquor 42).
• Iha1 kuaki dade2 husi1 Xile (berkualitas dari Chili/high quality
from Chili).
• Carmeno2
• Sauvignon blanc2
• Merlot -$ 7.95 Botir ida1 (satu botol Merlot/one bottle Merlot).
• Cheers bottle shop, Timor Plaza3
, Apartamentu2 257 – (tersedia
di Timor Plaza, apartemen/blok 257/provided in Timor Plaza,
apartment/block 257).
• No1 agora2 iha1
Lecidere besik1
Burger King (sekarang ada di
Lecidere dekat Burger King/Now there is Lecidere near Burger
• Atu hetan1 informasaun2 liutan1
, telephone2 ba1
… (untuk
mendapatkan informasi, hubungi melalui telepon/for get
information, contact via telephone).
• Atu halo1 pergunta2 sira kona ba fa’an barak nian1
, telefon2 (untuk
bertanya tentang penjualan, sebut nama dan telepon ke ../To ask
questions about sales, just mention the name and call to...).
• Atu halo1 pergunta2 sira kona ba fa’an naral nian1, telefon 2:
(untuk bertanya tetnang penjualan dalam jumlah yang banyak
telepon ke .../ To ask questions about sales in big number, just call
to ...).
• Haruka1 email ….(kirim e mail ke …/send e-mail to ...).