Laboratory of Integrated Physiology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Carthage, Jarzouna, Bizerte, Tunisia
Acupuncture Clinic of Bizerte, Bizerte, Tunisia
Corresponding author details:
Hafedh Abdelmelek, Faculty of Sciences
Laboratory of Integrated Physiology
University of Carthage
© 2018 Abdelmelek H, et al. This
is an open-access article distributed under the
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Our theories support that consciousness development could influence positively or negatively Emotional Bank System Algorithm. The present methodology and analysis expose the analogy between the Financial Banking System and Emotion-Banking Algorithm. We conclude by identifying system and algorithm related to the implication of heart in Emotion Bank System and the existence of two doors:
i. Door 1 between the heart and limbic system implicated in emotion modulation.
ii. Door 2 implicated in logic and creativity. The integrity of both doors is important for
emotion stability and innovation.
Financial banking system; Emotion banking algorithm; Emotional bank system
The present manuscript exposes the major research and theories related to emotions and discuss analogy between the Financial Banking System and Emotion-Banking Algorithm. Emotion feelings cannot be taught or learned via cognitive process [1]. Previous study by Edelman & Tononi [2], reported that emotions are fundamental for conscious though [3]. Emotional feelings arise from the integration of concurrent activity in brain structures, circuits and especially limbic system that may involve the amygdale, insula, anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortices [4]; whereas the whole mechanism remained unclear. Fluctuation of emotion, like other neurobiological activities, range from low to high and extreme. Interestingly, Krkovic et al. [5] reported that individuals who habitually resort to maladaptive emotion regulation strategies show a stronger affective and a blunted endocrine stress response, which may make them vulnerable to mental health problems. Current theory suggests that the feeling component of emotions contributed to the evolution of consciousness. Our philosophy says that each person can do well at investing in financial services but in the emotional transaction, we have to design complex algorithms. Nowadays, Emotion-Banking Algorithm and Financial Banking System could influence neuroeconomy. Neuroeconomy consider only the implication firstly of mathematic intelligence and secondly emotional intelligence. In the present research, we will introduce the Financial Banking System and the Emotion Banking System. In general, Banks provide financial products and services to their customers in exchange for earning interest and fees. Banking executives must possess knowledge of complex monetary instruments in order to make sound decisions based on capital adequacy, asset management and interest rate risks. A strong organizational structure can help a bank thrive while offering a variety of financial services. Bank executives are usually responsible for specific business areas. The executive for community banking focuses on local branches and offices at a local level. Finally, banks will usually appoint a chief operating officer to ensure the success of day-to-day operations within the company. By contrast, the Emotional Bank System works with one executive playing two roles: the executive of the bank and customer in the same time. In the case of Stock Exchange, we have confusion between the Emotional Bank System of the executive and the Bank Management explaining the difficulties to understand algorithm of both area of knowledge (Emotional Bank System or Financial Bank Algorithm). Emotional Bank System works as regular bank account. In regular bank, we make deposits, save up money (USD, Euro, etc) and when we need that money later, we withdraw it. An Emotional Bank System can use Emotional Units (EU) or Emotional Quantum (EQ) based on trust instead money and Energy Exchange (EE) or Energy Management (EM). We have to develop a mathematical equation to convert EE and EM on EU or EQ but there are few studies in this new field. It’s an account based on how safe you feel with another person or environment and your capacities to exchange with him EU or EQ. Interestingly, EQ varies with environment, body, heart, brain, etc. The building of an emotional reserve or account must be related to the commitments. Different types of interactions or communicating between people or environment-people can help to create a higher level of trust and increase the EQ account. Our personal or professional behavior like a smile, a little extra effort, a hug, could be converted to EQ deposit. Integrity in all the communications or interactions could be considered as moral floor allowing the increase of emotional amount and units (EU or EQ). Integrity in the Financial Bank or Emotional Bank System has the same positive effects in all kind of interaction. In the first case, when you violated a trust in a financial transaction with your bank executive you have to correct the mistake by money deposit to counteract the damage. Importantly, the same human or animal behavior will be observed with emotional transaction mistakes. In human or animals, when your trust level is high you have made many EQ deposits; leading to effortless communication. Then, when you make mistakes or offend someone unexpectedly, you draw on that reserve and the relationship still maintains a solid level of trust. Conversely, when you have an abnormal behavior with the bank executive or people, your Emotional Bank System becomes overdrawn. Our most precious relationships (with our family or boss) require constant deposits, because those relationships continue to grow, change and with these changes come new expectations.
In community banking, executives will assign a senior leader to manage distribution of products and another to focus on business development but the Emotion-Banking Algorithm do not work in the same way. By contrast, the same activities could be developed in Financial Bank System or in Emotional Bank System like consumer behaviors. Consumer can deposit or lend (cash or EQ) in various services, such as home loans and credit cards or well-being, pleasure etc. Importantly, we can convert EQ deposit to money in order to achieve home or cars. In Financial Bank or Emotional Bank, each customer or directors own develop strategic vision and direction of their exchange unit between people (Cash or EQ); between bankercustomer (Cash or EQ). Whereas the directors define the direction and objectives of a business unit, the managers decide how to implement them but all the activities in Emotional Bank System must be done between people playing the role of customer and banker. By contrast, Community banking will have managers for areas like new accounts, branch operations and teller services.
The key principles of differential emotions theory have changed periodically [1]. They led to a new perspective on emotion-related gains and losses from evolution and the development of Emotional Banking System or better Stock exchanges and opened the field to theoretical research on emerging topics such as the role of the heart in emotion experiences. Evidence shows that heart plays a greater role in our mental, emotional and physical processes probably via electromagnetic field [6,7]. The heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways: Neurological communication (Autonomic nervous system (ANS)) [8], Biochemical communication (hormones), Biophysical communication (EMF), Energetic communication [6,7]. The heart is a sensory organ acting as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center probably working with different mechanism like superconductor-like behavior through nerves (Figure 1). Different types of interactions between Brain and Heart; in the first way i) from brain to heart via ANS and with the second way ii) from heart to brain (nodal tissue) via probably a wireless interaction (electromagnetic field). The second way could be considered as first door (Door 1) located between heart and limbic system (Figure 2).
In addition to the Brain-Heart interaction, we have to consider energy fluctuation as dynamic energy on the body implicated in part in emotion. Wei et al. [9] demonstrated the presence of anatomical substrates for the neurovisceral integration model that resting heart rate variability may index an integrative neural network which effectively organizes emotional, cognitive, physiological and behavioral responses in the service of goal-directed behavior and adaptability. Widmann et al. [10] showed that sympathetic and parasympathetic contributions to the biphasic dilation of the pupil can be separated and link emotional arousal to sympathetic nervous system activation. Recently, Emotion and dynamic energy investigations was studied in Africa and Europe (10 women & 10 men). Data reported that energy move through the human body (brain, heart, digestive tube,etc) and vary with the body shape in female and male. The electromagnetic pollution (artificial EMF) could alter the equilibrium of dynamic energy and metabolic rate (metabolic energy). The disruption of dynamic energy by electromagnetic pollution and/or xenobiotics like pesticide, quantum dots, etc could explain in part brain cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer and other diseases [6]. The most important pathologies were correlated to the nervous system superconductorlike behavior disruption (Figure 2), emotions and energy fluctuation [6]. The energy fluctuation can disrupt cardiac EMF implicated in negative emotions and disease genesis.
The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body.
Studies showed that heart electromagnetic field could be detected
and measured several feet away from a person’s body and between
two individuals in close proximity. The heart’s electromagnetic field
contains certain information or coding, which researchers are trying
to understand. The dynamic energy is a mixture of environmental
energy, body energy, heart and brain energy. All together, emotion
modulation is correlated to a direct energy transfer or exchange
(example touch, kiss) or indirect mechanisms (a smile, a little
extra effort). The direct mechanism especially confirm the transfer
of dynamic energy via two bodies or digestive tubes, especially
mucous [6,7,11]. The understanding of the Emotional Bank System
with tools and technologies that foster positive emotions and
psychophysiological coherence, increased emotional stability, mental
acuity and physiological efficiency as a new familiar baseline or norm
and open the second brain door (Door 2) (Figure 1). The opening of
the Human Brain Door 2 stimulates creativity. The most important
point of the present manuscript report that Human brain efficacy
is related to the coherence of both Human Brain doors (Door 1 &
Door 2) for emotion and logic. Although additional research will
be required to determine the nature and function of doors, energy,
information between heart-heart and heart-brain.
Figure 1. Impulse response (R/Ra) of nerve versus temperature in Kelvin degree: Gold wires were leaned outside the nerve
showing semi and superconductor behavior
Figure 2. Theory of interaction of cardiac electromagnetic field with limbic system
These theories support that the invention of money stimulates
the exchange of products, economy, cultures, techniques, arts
and unfortunately the existence of wars, economic crisis, crimes.
Interestingly, consciousness development could influence positively
or negatively Emotional Bank System concept. We conclude by
identifying some unanswered questions related to the implication of
heart in emotions. The analysis of Emotional Bank System Algorithms
can help our understanding of psychological science and diseases in
the coming years.
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