
Dr. Yifat Manor

Dermal Filler and Dental Implant Correlation
Citation: Yifat Manor, Haim D. Dermal Filler and Dental Implant Correlation. J Dents Dent Med. 2018 Jan; 1(2):105
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Isaac Ginsburg

Tissue damage in post infectious sequelae is caused by a synergism between microbial and neutrophils-derived agonists: a concern for a disregard for already published data
Citation: Ginsburg I, Koren E, Heerden PVV. Tissue damage in post infectious sequelae is caused by asynergism between microbial and neutrophilsderived agonists: a concern for a disregard for already published data. J Emerg Rare Dis. 2018 Jan;1(1):101.
Journal of Emerging and Rare Diseases( 2517-7397 )

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Mitsu Nakamura

How Experience Shapes Our Health Behaviour
Citation: Nakamura O, Nakamura M. How Experience Shapes Our Health Behaviour. J Neurosci Neurosurg. 2018 Jan;1(1):104
Journal of Neuroscience and Neurosurgery( 2517-7400 )

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