
Dr. M.H.K. Motamedi

To Shake or Not to Shake: Can Bacterial Cross-contamination Occur from Handshaking in Healthcare Settings?
Citation: Mesgarzadeh V, Motamedi MHK, Hooshangi H, Rezaei M, Akhlaghi H , et al. To Shake or Not to Shake: Can Bacterial Crosscontamination occur from Handshaking in healthcare settings? J Dents Dent Med. 2018 Aug;1(4):119
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine( 2517-7389 )

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Betsy Ng

Exploring a Neuroscientific Perspective of Travel Benefits and Decision-Making
Citation: Ng B, Ho G. Exploring a Neuroscientific Perspective of Travel Benefits and DecisionMaking. 2018 Aug;1(4):120
Journal of Neuroscience and Neurosurgery( 2517-7400 )

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Christopher M Morris

The Contribution of Aluminium to Alzheimer’s disease: A Neuropathological Investigation of Renal Dialysis Cases
Citation: Patro N, Hall RA, Patro IK, Morris CM. The Contribution of Aluminium to Alzheimer’s disease: A Neuropathological Investigation of Renal Dialysis Cases. J Neurosci Neurosurg. 2018 Aug;1(4):118
Journal of Neuroscience and Neurosurgery( 2517-7400 )

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Jayanta Kumar Patra

Ethnobotanical Values of Dioscorea Species Available in Eastern Ghats, India
Citation: Ummalyma SB, Devi RS, Patra JK, Kumar S. Ethnobotanical Values of Dioscorea Species Available in Eastern Ghats, India. Basic Appl Pharm Pharmacol. 2018 June;1(1):103.
Pharmacy and Pharmacology Journal

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Sanjeet Kumar

Ethnobotanical Values of Dioscorea Species Available in Eastern Ghats, India
Citation: Ummalyma SB, Devi RS, Patra JK, Kumar S. Ethnobotanical Values of Dioscorea Species Available in Eastern Ghats, India. Basic Appl Pharm Pharmacol. 2018 June;1(1):103.
Pharmacy and Pharmacology Journal

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Orel Govrin-Yehudain

Scarless Mastopexy with Lightweight Breast Implants
Citation: Govrin-Yehudain O, Govrin-Yehudain J. Scarless Mastopexy with Lightweight Breast Implants. Int J Surg Proced.2018 May;1(2):107
International Journal of Surgical Procedures( 2517-7354 )

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Sanchez-Montero JM

Biotechnology: Impact on our Life
Citation: Sanchez Montero JM. Biotechnology: Impact on our Life. Drug Des Dev Deliv J. 2018 May;1(1):103
Drug Design Development and Delivery Journal( 2631-3278 )

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Ahmed Tabbabi

Vectorial Role of Phlebotomine Sandflies
Citation: Sboui S, Belkhiri M, Tabbabi A. Vectorial Role of Phlebotomine Sandflies. J Emerg Rare Dis. 2018 Apr;2(1):111.
Journal of Emerging and Rare Diseases( 2517-7397 )

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Zhong Jia

Popularity of Overlapping Surgery - Substantial Support or Potential Barrier for Young Surgeon’s Growth?
Citation: Zhou Y, Jia Z, Kong C. Popularity of Overlapping Surgery-Substantial Support or Potential Barrier for Young Surgeon’s Growth? Int J Surg Proced. 2018 Mar;1(1):106
International Journal of Surgical Procedures( 2517-7354 )

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Victor M. Lu

The Potential of Fluid-attenuated Inversion Recovery Imaging in Improving Glioblastoma Outcome?
Citation: Lu VM, Mc Donald KL, Rovin RA. The Potential of Fluid-attenuated Inversion Recovery Imaging in Improving Glioblastoma Outcome. Int J Surg Proced. 2018 Feb;1(1):104
International Journal of Surgical Procedures( 2517-7354 )

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Brian M Barth

Combinatorial Efficacy of Quercitin and Nanoliposomal Ceramide for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Citation: McGill CM, Brown TJ, Fisher LN, Gustafson SJ, Dunlap KL, et al. Combinatorial Efficacy of Quercitin and Nanoliposomal Ceramide for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Int J Biopharm Sci. 2018 Jan;1(1):106
International Journal of Biopharmaceutical Sciences( 2517-7338 )

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AU Itodo

Tannery Wastewater Evaluation and Remediation: Adsorption of Trivalent Chromium Using Commercial and Regenerated Adsorbents
Citation: AU Itodo, ME Khan, DP Feka, B Ogoh. Tannery Wastewater Evaluation and Remediation: Adsorption of Trivalent Chromium Using Commercial and Regenerated Adsorbents. J Water Technol Treat Methods. 2018 Jan;1(1):104
Journal of Water Technology and Treatment Methods( 2517-7427 )

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Michel Bourin

Treating the Cognitive Impairment in Bipolar Patients
Citation: Bourin M. Treating the cognitive impairment in bipolar patients. J Neurosci Neurosurg. 2018 Jan;1(2):107
Journal of Neuroscience and Neurosurgery( 2517-7400 )

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Bern S Schmidt*

At What Level Lifestyles Influences Sleep Disorders?
Citation: Hito MG, Okito N, Mitsu N, Schmidt BS. At What Level Lifestyles Influences Sleep Disorders? J Neurosci Neurosurg. 2018 Jan;1(1):101
Journal of Neuroscience and Neurosurgery( 2517-7400 )

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Chicgoua Noubactep

Metallic Iron (Fe0 ) Provide Possible Solution to Universal Safe Drinking Water Provision
Citation: Noubactep C. Metallic Iron (Fe0) Provide Possible Solution to Universal Safe Drinking Water Provision. J Water Technol Treat Methods. 2018 Jan;1(1):102
Journal of Water Technology and Treatment Methods( 2517-7427 )

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