Gloria B Callwood


Dr. Callwood is Associate Professor of nursing and Director of the Caribbean Exploratory NIMHD Research Center (CERC) on Health Disparities, and Co-PI on the A-RICH_VI project. Under her leadership, CERC has initiated a number of studies on health issues in the Virgin Islands. She has served as UVI Dean of Nursing, an item writer and member of the Examination Committee of the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools, and is a grant reviewer for HRSA and NIH. She serves on Region II Health Equity Council, and served as president of the Virgin Islands State Nurses Association, president of Mu Eta Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority, Inc, and Regional Director of the Caribbean Nurses Organization. She received her BSN from Hampton (Institute) University and her MN and Ph.D from the University of Florida. Her areas of expertise are in psychiatric mental health nursing and medical sociology. Before taking a position in academe, she worked with behavior health clients in an in-patient setting, providing oversight of their nursing care, and liaison to other hospital units to provide guidance on responding to emotionally distraught clients. Between 2007 and 2018, she served as PI and Director of the Caribbean Exploratory Research Center (CERC) on health disparities funded by the (NIH) National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) and managed the overall functioning of the Center. The Center has investigated and documented health disparity issues in the Virgin Islands when previously there were few such studies, thus adding to the literature information on the health status of Virgin Islanders. My research experience is working with students in the clinical area and in the academy prepared to guide and mentor new investigators to participate in research activity.

Research Interests:

Mental Health, the Elderly, Women's Health (violence against women), and HIV/AIDS.

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