
Boffin Access Limited - Membership Program

As a Gold Open Access publisher, Boffin Access strives to reduce the costs involved in making exceptional research available to everyone, including the authors who put years of hard work into creating articles that expand the horizons of human knowledge. As part of our goal, we started a new initiative designed for researchers who publish quite frequently. The article processing charges currently offered among Gold OA publishers are not cost-effective for authors that have several papers in the pipeline and the cost of publishing in high volumes is sure to put a noticeable dent in their funds.

That's why Boffin Access is now offering a Membership Program to interested authors. Our new fee structure will free up a significant portion of your research funds that could be used for further studies. The membership applies to all journals, meaning that you can publish in different journals if you collaborate in producing multi/interdisciplinary research work provided that you are a co-author of the paper.

Additional benefits offered to current members::

One Year Membership:

  • The registered member can submit 35 Articles to any Boffin Access Journals
  • Certificate of membership
  • The registered member can submit 1 E-books in Boffin Access Limited for free of cost.
  • Discount on reprints ordered.
  • Three Years Membership:

  • The registered member can submit 90 Articles to any Boffin Access Journals
  • Certificate of membership
  • The registered member can submit 2 E-books in Boffin Access Limited for free of cost.
  • Discount on reprints ordered.
  • Five Years Membership:

  • The registered member can submit Unlimited Articles to any Boffin Access journals.
  • Certificate of membership
  • The registered member can submit 3 E-books in Boffin Access Limited for free of cost.
  • Discount on reprints ordered.
  • For further queries feel free to contact us at: membership@boffinaccess.org