Pablo I Altieri


PABLO I. ALTIERI was born in Añasco one of the first founded towns in Puerto Rico. He studied his primary grades in Añasco and Mayagüez at the Inmaculada Concepcion Academy until his college studies at the RUM-University of Puerto Rico where he received a major in Biology and Humanities with a minor in Chemistry. He did his Medical School at the Medical Sciences Campus of the University of Puerto Rico and his Internal Medicine at the same campus. His Cardiology was done at the University of Puerto Rico and Ohio State University Under the chairs of Dr. Richard P. Lewis and Dr. Richard F. Leighton. He directed the Cardiology Section of Andrews Air Force Base in Washington D.C. There he related the section with the Johns Hopkins University Hospital System (Baltimore) Walter Reed Hospital (Washington D.C.) and NIH (Bethesda, Maryland). He came back to the University Hospital (U.P.R.) to direct the catheterization laboratories at the University Hospital and at the Cardiovascular Center of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. In the following years, he has been Professor of Medicine, Cardiology, and Physiology at the University of Puerto Rico. He belongs to the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology, European Society of Atherosclerosis, European Lipid Society, American Electrophysiology Society, Muscle Society, Association Medical de Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Society of Physiology. He has given more than 350, local and international, lectures and has published more than 380 scientific papers.

Research Interests:

His research field mainly focus onInternal Medicine and Cardiology

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