Daniel Timofte


Dan Timofte started his clinical and research activity with a grant traineeship at Karolinska Instutet (Prof. Ake Sandberg). He is a Senior Lecturer in General Surgery at Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania. In bariatric surgery he specializes in the Center of Excellence in Bariatric Delta Hospital in Bucharest, but also in Milan, Italy. He studied pancreas surgery in Stockholm, Sweden and transanal endoscopic surgery at St. Petersburg. Gallen in Switzerland. Dr. Timofte has published more than 50 original and review papers in peer-reviewed journals, 10 books and 2 book chapters. He is editor/reviewer for several other prestigious journals. Dan Timofte is organizer and chairman of NOBEZ 2016 and 2017 – National Conference with international participation and organizer of 12 Symposia and Workshops of Laparoscopic Surgery. From 2012 he is an expert trainer for Advanced Laparoscopy Courses organized by Prof. Catalin Copaescu – Bucharest.

Research Interests:

Bariatric surgery, treatment of obesity, abdominal surgery, Surgical Oncology, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Hernia Surgery, Cancer Surgery, Advance Laparoscopic Surgery, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Surgical Gastroenterology, Laparotomy, Liver Surgery, Gastric Surgery, Surgical Training, Operative Surgery, Laparo-Endoscopic Surgery, Hepatopancreatobilliary Surgery.

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