Prakasha Kempaiah


Dr. Prakasha Kempaiahis an Associate Consultant at Mayo Clinic, 4500 San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, FL 32224. Dr. Kempaiah received his PhD. from the Institute for Human Genetics, University of Goettingen, Germany. He has completed certificate course in Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) at UNM. He is trained in the field of genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, immunology, and infectious diseases. He has trained over 16 undergraduate, 6 masters, 6 PhD students and 10 international trainees in the last 12 years. Dr. Kempaiah's PhD thesis work on protein transduction domain mediated recombinant protein supplementation therapy for Rett-syndrome resulted in two disclosures. Dr. Kempaiah is an editorial board member of Open Journal of Apoptosis, Human Parasitic Diseases, Journal of Life Medicine, AIMS Genetics, Asian Council of Science Editors and Journal of Public Health & Epidemiology. He is also an invited peer-reviewer for Human Parasitic Diseases, Gene Regulation and Systems Biology, Cancer Cell International, Breast Cancer, Biotechnology Progress, Journal of Cell Death, Immunology and Immunogenetics Insights, Gene Expression to Genetical Genomics and Cancer Informatics and Bentham publishers.

Research Interests:

Dr. Kempaiah currently overseas the research activities of pediatric malaria and co-infections. He is primarily involved in investigating the genetic basis of infectious disease outcome and therapeutics development. His research projects includes: (1), determining the relationship between the immunomodulatory aspect of immune response genes and promoter polymorphism (SNPs and VNTRs), functional changes, downstream effects on modulator production, and SMA manifestation; (2), determining the suitability of Glutamine as a therapeutic agent in children with malaria to target HSP70 production and improve the therapeutic effects of anti-malarials in combination with glutamine; (3), GWAS and whole genome transcriptome arrays to identify important markers, CNVs and candidates gene pathways that condition development of anemia; (4), malaria parasite cultures for anti-malarial drug screening and to isolate hemozoin (PfHz) and testing its immunomodulatory activities using in-vitro cultures; (5), elucidating the molecular mechanisms of inflammatory-derived inefficient erythropoiesis using CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor’s cells isolated from umbilical specimens; (6), Identifying natural and pharmacological compounds to stimulate inflammatory mediators altered during anemia using in-vitro cultures. (7), Development of in-vitro stem cell based erythropoiesis model to study molecular mechanisms of chronic anemias.

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