Pavani Rangachari


Pavani Rangachari holds master’s and doctoral degrees in Health Management & Policy from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany and is an elected member of the Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society. She teaches graduate courses in Public Health, in the areas of Health Management & Policy and Healthcare Performance Improvement; and serves as Associate Dean for Practice & Community Health at the College of Allied Health Sciences, Augusta University. Rangachari specializes in health services research with emphasis on the implementation of change and innovation in healthcare organizations, including the implementation of evidence‐based practices, health information technology, and patient-centred care. She has served as Principal Investigator on extramural (federal) research grants from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and currently serves as a standing member of the Health Information Technology Research (HITR) Study Section for AHRQ. She has published in a variety of peer‐reviewed healthcare management journals and has received numerous awards for scholarship, including the Newman Award for Best Paper Based on a Dissertation from the Academy of Management (AOM), and the Best Theory‐to‐Practice Paper Award from AOM Health Care Management Division.

Research Interests:

Her research interest mainly focuses on the implementation of change and innovation in health care organizations, including the implementation of evidence‐based practices, health information technology, and patient‐centered care.

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