Capsicum Chinesis (Hot Pepper) Powder Larvicidal Activity on Mosquitoes Larvae in Lafia Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Ombugadu A1*, Micah EM1, Njila HL2, Adejoh VA1, Odey SA1, Nkup CD1, Pam VA, Echor B2, Pam DD4, Ahmed HO1, Aimankhu OS1, Uzoigwe NR1, Deme GG5, Yohanna JA4, Samuel MD1, Dogo KS1, Musa M6

1 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science,  Federal University of Lafia, Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
2 Department of Science Laboratory Technology,  Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
3 Department of Biology,  College of Arts, Science and Technology, Kurgwi, Plateau State, Nigeria
4Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
5 State Key Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100101 PR, China
6 Department of Botany,  Faculty of Science, Federal University of Lafia, Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria


Ombugadu A, Micah EM, Adejoh VA, Odey SA, Njila HL, et al. Capsicum Chinesis (Hot Pepper) Powder Larvicidal Activity on Mosquitoes Larvae in Lafia Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Infect Treat J.2019 Dec;1(1):105

© 2020 Ombugadu A, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Mosquitoes spread more diseases than other known arthropod and have shown resistance to conventional insecticides despite several control efforts, prompting the need to explore alternative control measures such as the use of bio-larvicides which are environmentally friendly. To this end, a study of larvicidal efficacy of the powder of Capsicum chinensis on mosquito larvae in Lafia Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria was carried out through collection of wild field mosquito larvae from May to July, 2018. Fresh Capsicum chinensis fruits were collected from farmlands and dried under room temperature and further processed to fine powder from which varying concentrations were used against the larvae. The larvae were exposed at 24, 48 and 72 hours respectively. Anopheles gambiae larvae were susceptible (100% mortality) to the various concentrations of the powder at the end of the 72 hours exposure period while Culex quinquefasciatus were resistant (0% mortality). There was a very high significant difference (P<0.0001) in mortality rate of An. gambiae larvae in relation to concentrations while there was no significant difference (P=1) in mortality rate of Cx. Quinquefasciatus across concentrations. LD50 and LD90 values for An. gambiae at 24 hours were 2.4mg/ml and 0.10mg/ml respectively; 0.1mg/ml and 0.26mg/ml respectively at 48 hours and 0.00mg/ml and 0.01/ml respectively ay 72 hours. This study shows that Capsicum chinensis is a promising bio-larvicide for controlling An. gambiae. The results also showed that Cx. Quinquefasciatus may possibly require higher multiple doses of Capsicum to influence mortality.


Capsicum; Mosquito larvae; Lafia


Mosquitoes are considered insects of public health importance due to their ability to transmit a variety of diseases including West Nile, dengue, yellow fever, lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) and malaria which is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Nigeria [1]. Malaria, which causes about 1.2 million deaths (majorly among pregnant women and children under five years old) is caused by Anopheles gambiae so. l. [2]. Despite several efforts in controlling this vector, the medical and economic burdens caused by it continue to grow [3]. Currently, mosquito control strategies are fixated on the use of synthetic insecticides as constituents for Long Lasting Insecticide Treated bed Nets (LLINs) and Indoor Residual Sprays (IRS) as methods recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) [4]. Unfortunately, the success recorded by this strategy in terms of reduction of morbidity and mortality [5] is short-lived as mosquito resistance to insecticide has increased through time [6-11]. The failure in current control measures and the growing insecticide resistance is necessitating the search for newer and more effective control strategies [12].

The use of botanicals (plant based products) is one of the best alternatives to synthetic insecticides [13,14]. This is because they offer a more environmentally friendly method of mosquito control [15] in that they have very weak adverse effect on non-target subjects [16] and are easily biodegradable [17]. Consequently, several plant species have been employed, worldwide, to control mosquito population.

Capsicum chinensis (hot pepper) has both medicinal and insecticidal value and is used traditionally as medicine for treatment of various illnesses [18] including asthma, pneumonia, diarrhea, cramps, indigestion and toothache and it has been reported to possess repellent activity against insect pests of stored grains [19]. Extracts of Capsicum species have been proven as repellants to some species of some stored product beetles such as Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleopteran: Curculinidae) and Tribalism Castaneum (Herbs’) (Coleopteran: Tenebriouidae) [20]. There are reports of using capsicum as bio pesticides against Alfalfa weevil larvae hyper brunneipennis [21]. The toxicity of Capsicum species against insects is thought to be the effects of secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, siphoning and falconoid compounds [22]. Against this backdrop, this study was carried out to determine the larvicidal efficacy of the powder of Capsicum chinensis on mosquito larvae in Lafia Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.

Materials and Methods

Study area
The study was carried out in Lafia Metropolis with the following coordinate’s 8°29′30″N 8°31′0″E/8.49167°N 8.51667°E. It is the capital and the largest town in Nasarawa State.

Collection of sample plant
Fresh ripe fruits of Capsicum were collected from cultivated farmlands on 5th April, 2018 along Agyaragu Tofa road in Lafia, Nasarawa State. Taxonomic identification of the plant was carried out at the Department of Botany Laboratory of Federal University of Love by Mr. Markus Musa. The plant samples were rinsed in clean water to remove dirt/debris, sliced into parts, then air dried under room temperature at the Department of Zoology Laboratory, Federal University of Lafia for 3 weeks. The dried plant was ground into fine powder in an electric grinder [23] then weighed on a weighing balance to get 20mg, 40mg, 60mg, 80mg and 100mg doses respectively.

Mosquito larvae collection
First and second in star larvae of Anopheles and Culex mosquitoes were collected from different breeding sites in Lafia using standard dippers and identified using identification keys by Gillies and de Mellion [24] Burges and Cowan [25]. The larvae were kept in containers and allowed to adapt for 24 hours at room temperature before carrying out the test.

Preparation of bioassay
The bioassay was prepared according to the recommended protocol of World Health Organization [26] for susceptibility of the larvae of Anopheles gambiae and Culex quique fasciatus exposed to several doses (20mg, 40mg, 60mg, 80mg, and 100mg) of the powder of Capsicum chinensis. Four replicates were kept for each concentration, with two controls for each experiment, and in each replicate 25 first and second in star larvae were released into disposable 250 ml bowls containing 100 ml of distilled water. Control (0mg) was prepared as 100 ml distilled water only. The knockdown rate of larvae was recorded after 5mins, 15mins, 20mins, 30mins and 60mins respectively. Larval mortality was recorded in 24, 48 and 72 hours exposure period. Mortality was confirmed by gentle prick on the abdomen of the larvae with a needle [26,27].

Test analysis
The interpretation of the mortality rate of Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus larvae is as described by WHO, (2013).
1. Mortality rate between 98 – 100 % within the diagnostic time indicates susceptibility.
2. Mortality rate between 80 – 97 % suggest possible resistance.
3. Mortality rate < 80 % indicates resistance.

Percentage mortality
Unmoved and moribund larvae were recorded as dead.

 Determination of LD50 and LD90
The mortality data were further subjected to profit analysis for estimating lethal dose values (LD50 and LD90) using Finney method [28]. The 24, 48 and 72 hours LD50 and LD90 were determined through Microsoft excel regression analysis using the regression equation (Y = a + bx).

Data analysis
Data obtained was analyzed using R Console version 3.2.2. Pearson’s Chi Square test was used to compare mortality rate of mosquito’s larvae in relation to concentrations of C. chinensis powder. P values < 0.05 was considered statistical significant.


Mortality rate of mosquitoes larvae in relation to concentrations of Capsicum chinensis powder and exposure periods
Anopheles gambiae
: An. gambiae larvae at 24 hours exposure period had highest mortality rate of 92% at 20mg/ml, 80mg/ml and 100mg/ml concentrations and no mortality (0.00%) was observed in control 0mg/ml as shown in Table 1. Therefore, there was a very high significant difference (χ2 = 91.442, df = 5, P < 0.0001) in mortality rate of An. gambiae larvae in relation to concentrations of C. powder.

At 48 hours exposure period mortality rate of An. gambiae larvae was highest 98% at 60mg/ml while no mortality 0% was recorded in the control 0mg/ml (Table 1). Thus, mortality rate of An. gambiae larvae in relation to concentrations of C. powder showed a very high significant difference (χ2 = 96.835, df = 5, P < 0.0001).

An. gambiae larvae mortality rate at 72 hours exposure period was 100% for all concentrations with the exception of control 0mg/ ml which had 0% (Table 1). Hence, mortality rate of An. gambiae larvae in relation to concentrations of C. powder showed a very high significant difference (χ2 = 100, df = 5, P < 0.0001).

Culex quinquefasciatus: No mortality was observed at 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours exposure period respectively in the larvae of Cx. Quinque fasciatus in relation to varying concentrations of C. Powder (Table 1). Lethal dose (LD50 and LD90) of Capsicum.

Lethal dose (LD50 and LD90) of Capsicum chinensis Powder that exhibits larvicidal activity against An. gambiae larvae in relation to exposure periods 
The lethal dose of C. That will exhibit larvicidal activity against 50% and 90% respectively of An. gambiae larvae at 24 hours exposure period is 2.14mg/ml and 0.10mg/ml (Table 2).

Table 2 also shows that the lethal dose of C. required at 48 hours exposure period to exhibit larvicidal activity against 50% and 90% respectively of the An. gambiae larvae is 0.01mg/ml and 0.26mg/ml.

After 72 hours exposure period, the lethal dose of C. chinensis required to exhibit larvicidal activity against 50% and 90% respectively of the An. gambiae larvae is 13.80mg/ml and 30.19mg/ ml (Table 2).

larvae exposed to C. powder in relation to World Health Organization Indices
At 24 hour exposure period An. gambiae showed possible resistance across all concentrations mortality rate range from 91% to 92% while Cx. quinquesfaciatus were absolutely resistant having 0% mortality rate.

At 72 hours exposure period, An. Gambiae were susceptible while Cx. quinquesfaciatus were absolutely resistant.

*: Significant
 Ns: Not significant
Table 1: Mortality rate of mosquitoes larvae in relation to concentrations of Capsicum powder and exposure periods 

Table 2: Lethal dose (LD50 and LD90) of Capsicum chinensis Powder that Exhibits Larvicidal Activity against An. gambiae Larvae in Relation to Exposure Periods


The present investigation revealed that the powder of C. chinensis showed promising larvicidal efficacy against An. gambiae but may not be against Cx. quinquefasciatus. This is in agreement with the studies by Abok et al. [14] and Dalis [29] who recorded that the leaf extracts of H. suaveolens were potent against the larvae of An. gambiae. However, this result did not conform to that of Madhumathy et al. [30] in which the ethanol extract of C. annum proved to be more effective on Cx. quinquefasciatus than An. stephensi in India. This could be due to the difference in species of Capsicum (C. and C. annum) and extracts (powder and ethanol extracts) used in the respective studies.

The highest knockdown rate was observed at 100mg/ml dose of Capsicum chinensis Powder used against An. gambiae larvae which possibly suggest that the highest concentrations get to the target site of the larvae very fast to initiate larvicidal efficacy of C. chinensis powder. This is in accordance with the finding by Abok et al. [14] in a study on Hyptis suaveolens extract exhibits larvicidal activity against Anopheles gambiae larvae at the highest concentration. Knockdown was not recorded however for Cx. quinquefasciatus across all doses of C. chinensis Powder which possibly suggests them as tolerant to C. chinensis powder and affirms their survival in polluted water bodies.

The results obtained after 24, 48 and 72 hours exposure time in relation to An. gambiae demonstrated progressive increase in percentage mortality as concentrations increased. This buttresses Finney [28] assertion that larvicidal efficacy increased with an increase in concentration. The findings are in agreement with studies by Odey [31] who investigated the larvicidal potency of the leaf powder of Millettia aboensis on the larval stages of An. gambiae and Cx. quinquefasciatus and Kholhring [32] who investigated the mosquitocidal activity of M. pachycarpa on the larvae and eggs of Ae. Aegypti, recording peak mortality at the highest concentration after total exposure time. Chukwujekwu et al. [33] who investigated the Anti-plasmodia diterpenoids from the leaves of H. suaveolens also recorded similar results. This result also coincides with findings of Olotuah [24] who conducted a laboratory evaluation of pesticidal activities of H. suaveolens against stored product pests Sitophilusoryzae, Sitophilus zeamais and Callosobruchus maculatus and recorded peak mortality at the highest concentration (100 mg/ ml) after total exposure period.

The 100% mortality recorded in An. gambiae larvaein relation to the treatments after 72 hours exposure period possibly suggests time is a factor that should be considered so as to achieve a good susceptibility profile. This agrees with the findings by Abok et al. and Odey [14,31] who showed that exposure duration played a major role in determining the resistance/susceptibility profiles in mosquitoes.

After 24 hour exposure period, the larvae of An. gambiae showed possible resistance to the powder of C. chinensis across all doses. At 48 hour exposure period, they showed possible resistance at 20mg/ ml, 40mg/ml, and 80mg/ml and 100mg/ml doses of the plant powder but were susceptible to the plant powder at 60mg/ml. However, the larvae were susceptible to all doses after 72 hour exposure period. The resistance/susceptibility profiles recorded in relation to exposure periods was similar to the finding of Abok et al. [14].

The powder was shown to be more effective after 72 hours exposure time, with LD50 of 13.80mg/ml and LD90 30.19mg/ml. A possible reason for susceptibility recorded may be that the plant powder used up the dissolved oxygen available in the water, making it difficult for the mosquito species to survive [14] and also from the activity of capsaicin in the plant powder, which has significant lethal and anti-feedant effect on mosquito larvae [30].

Generally, An. gambiae larvae were more susceptible to all doses while resistance was observed in Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae.

Consequently, the finding by Meenakshi and Jayaprakash [34] showed that Anopheles larvae were more susceptible to the leaf extract of Rhizophora mucronata than Aedes larvae. Also, Kemabonta et al. [35] reported mortality of An. gambiae in relation to the insecticidal activity of essential oils for both P. nigrum (black pepper) and C. longa (tumeric) to be a 100.0%. Furthermore, the habitat of the Culex larvae suggests a possible reason for their resistance as they thrive in dirty, toxic and polluted water unlike Anopheles mosquitoes that prefer clean and clear water [25].


The result of this study has indicated that Capsicum chinensis possesses larvicidal properties against larvae of An. gambiae while Cx. Quinquefasciatus are resistant in relation to varying concentrations. The mortality rate of An. gambiae showed an increase as concentration increased.

The LD50 and LD90 values obtained indicate that the powder of C. is most effective against the mosquito larvae after 72 hours of exposure to the powder and hence supports its traditional application as an insecticide.

Results from the research showed that the larvae of An. gambiae were susceptible to the powder of Capsicum chinensis, in contrast to the larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus which were resistant to all doses of the powder treatment administered.

Powder of C. chinensis. can be applied to mosquito breeding sites in multiple of doses so as measure to control the vector populations, particularly An. gambiae.

Finally, large scale cultivation of C. chinensis and further studies on the isolation of its active ingredients for should be carried out.


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