Sanchez Montero JM


Dr. José María Sánchez Montero degree and Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Córdoba. Ph.D. in Chemistry (1989) He is Associate Professor abilitado at the Department of organic chemistry and pharmaceutical of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University Complutense and has also received (2012) the positive accreditation to become Full Professor (date for habilitation: first semester 2018). He has participated in 28 research projects and published more than 90 papers in international journals and several chapters of books having registered at present four patents. He has also presented more than 70 papers in national and international congresses. He has lectured in several countries and has directed 9 proceedings of Bachelor's degree and 8 doctoral theses. Academic corresponding of the Royal National Academy of pharmacy. A founding member of the Spanish society of biotechnology which is the coordinator of the section applied Biocatalysis and the European Federation of biotechnology as well as the Spanish technology platform for sustainable chemistry. He has received several awards for his research including the award of Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia.

Research Interests:

His research interest, mainly focuses on Biocatalysis, Biotransformations, Pharmaceutical Chemistry

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